Valve / Damper Repair
Valve / Damper Inspection
Maintenance is key to keeping production moving and keeping an active line up and functioning. Some applications may not require a direct replacement yet but consumable parts are needed to be replaced to preserve the life and function of the valve/damper. First on the list to be replaced would be the consumables consisting of bushings, packing, bearing(s) and various seating options. Secondary would be inspection of disc and/or reinforcements, inside of body and shaft connections of any deterioration or corrosion. Lastly would be actuator operation and function.

Up Front Communication
Once everything has been inspected thoroughly a detailed repair list will be provided along with pricing. If repair costs are high a discounted replacement option can be offered in place of the repair to help a customer with a limited budget. We can meet most turnaround time requirements, to help the customer get back up and running for minimal loss to production. Once the customer approves repairs with a submitted purchase order the repair order is placed into production schedule.
Repair / Construction
Our valued manufacturing staff will remove all the necessary replacement items while new ones are being laser cut or consumables being pulled from stock. Once everything has been replaced and finalized we will either paint your existing carbon steel valve/damper to further protect against heat or corrosion while stainless steel will be cleaned and buffed removing any media residue. Finally various tests will be performed according to the items replaced to ensure everything is functioning properly before shipment. We will do everything possible to get the valve/damper back in-line with an equal or better than new solution.