Choosing the right valves up front pays off down the line!
Saving money always sounds like a good idea, but don’t make the mistake of cutting corners on your valve product and installation. Choosing the ideal valve for the application on the front end may result in the selection of a costlier valve, but this investment saves savvy manufacturers from untold money and hassle down the road on repairs. When you have more than one valve to consider and each appears capable of getting the job done, the obvious selection point becomes the cost. However, there are more factors to consider before jumping at a cheaper price.
Quality Materials
Valves need to be built to last. Our products are made from quality material that we inspect upon delivery from our vendors before using on any project. A cheaper model and/or material option may not be constructed from the same level of reliable, long-lasting materials. Unforeseen maintenance and replacement costs could result from investing in the shoddier product. We build our products to last, not replace.

Various Applications
Each one of our valve models can be used for multiple applications. You are not restricted to one model type for a specific project. We can process our valves for various operations such as the actuator may dictate it from being modulating or open/close. Having multiple of the same valve type allows ordering and production with a quicker turn around time.
Product QC Checks
Our purchasing agents only buy from known suppliers with a reliable history of quality control. This offers you, the customer, more protection for your investment than buying cheaper products from a less-reliable source. We stand buy our product with quality materials, consumables and techniques to ensure the best possible product for delivery.

Repair and Replacement
Eventually, all valves will need repair or replacement. With each existing valve or damper we provide a spare parts list and a complete replacement to see where your budget fits in getting the product back up and running. The key is investing in products where the frequency of this occurrence is lessened and the cost of eventual repair or replacement is manageable.
One final important factor to consider is standardizing your valves across the plant and/or project location. Costs may seem to be higher initially, but streamlined repair and replacement as well as staff comfort with the equipment could be a big payoff long term. Standardizing a specific model for a particular application allows spare parts to be on hand for multiple valves and/or dampers. This will also make the ability to replace an existing valve without effort if replacements are kept on hand as well.