Elite’s 5th Anniversary

Celebrating 5 Years of Growth and Resilience at Elite Industrial Controls 🎉

Five years ago today, a significant transformation happened — Srinivas Kothy acquired ShanRod, inheriting 51 years of industry experience, and rebranded it as Elite Industrial Controls This was more than a change of name; it was the start of a new era.

🌍 Amidst global challenges, including the unprecedented worldwide pandemic, our journey has been anything but smooth. Yet, through resilience and unwavering leadership, Elite has not only survived but thrived.

From a modest team of 7, we’ve grown to a family of 34 dedicated employees. Each member has played a crucial role in our expansion and in fostering the innovation and service excellence that Elite is known for today.

🙌 A huge thank you to every team member, partner, and customer who has been part of our story. Your trust and support fuel our continued commitment to excellence.

Here’s to many more years of success and innovation.

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